Sunday, January 13, 2008

Videos and Such

Well, after playing around with the Blogger settings and the page elements that I can add I decided to add Google video to my Google account (  I figured this would let me post some videos and since I'm using Google blogger I could keep it all on the same system (well sort of).  Anyhow, I made the account and uploaded a video then added the video bar page element to my blog.  Problem is, that page element is really geared towards Youtube, which translates to I don't know how to get it to display only my videos (with my Youtube account, which I created for this, I just add my Youtube channel to the video bar element and it is good, except that Youtube has yet to update the video that I uploaded).   Well, not happy so continued playing around with things.  I added a ling bar to the side and I can cut and paste my Google video links into it, yeah kinda bland and boring.  I could also add and HTML/javascript bar over there and embed the code to play the video, well pretty neat but if I keep adding videos that will get pretty lousy.  Or.....
Once I saw the embed code element I remembered that I can click on the edit HTML link when I am typing my blog post and copy the code into there and:

Hey, hey that is pretty nifty (yeah my geek/dweeb level just skyrocketed but I am OK with that :) ) and that is what I really wanted to be able to do.  Now I think next time I will try holding the camera when I went down the hill, I ended up halfway across Rivers after jumping the curb and plowing through the slush on the road it was great :)  next project, making these blasted smilies display correctly.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Semester

Well, it looks like we are getting ready to start a new semester and I am going to continue to try to modify the CS 1410 curriculum as I did during the fall as well. I have decided that modifications that I would like to make involve a lot more time than I had originally intended. At any rate, we will be making blogs this Spring and try using that as a delivery mechanism for labs, should be pretty interesting to see how it goes.

Not much more to add at the moment, so I guess that I won't.